Experience at Colorado media school

Colorado Media SchoolAs a student at Colorado media school, I’ve had some amazing experiences here.  Everything from shooting video for a film project to editing audio clips from my gaming show Game On on Go Mile High.com. Every day that I’m here I always have fun and learn something new every day.

Colorado Media School has taught me every aspect of broadcasting.  Everything from radio production, video editing and even building my own website.  I’ve been using programs such as Final cut pro 6, adobe audition, adobe Photoshop and tricaster.

I have gotten a lot of hands on experience at the school alone; operating the audio board for student run radio shows on Go Mile High.com and filming news packages for the school’s News Cast production.

When I first started at Colorado media school I didn’t really have an interest in being on the radio.  But now I sit here Hosting, producing, and directing my own radio talk show (Game On) on go Mile High.com.   And I have to tell you I love every minute of hosting my show and it’s really fun.

If you were to ask me one year ago “do you think you would ever go to college?”.  I would say “no, not a chance.”  And here I am about half way through the course learning a lot of valuable skills and trades.  I believe it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.   If I had to recommend Colorado media school to any one, I would highly recommend it to anyone I know.

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4 Responses to Experience at Colorado media school

  1. argos84 says:

    Colorado Media School is the greatest!


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